Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013



2Describe about your daily activities in 1-3 paragraphs.

19 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Azhar Afif Jaelani
Kelas : XI MM 1
NIS : 11010
I woke up at 5am. Then go to the mosque for morning prayers, then go home for a shower in the morning. After the morning shower, I dressed and breakfasted before going to school. School as usual, I study hard. : D After school, I went home and changed clothes. After changing clothes, I went to lunch. And as usual after dinner I always found time for online and open my Facebook and then rushed for midday prayers nap. Nap time, I immediately pray Azhar. After that, my parents helped clean up the house, and afternoon showers. After that, my evening prayer and study. And then my evening prayers and goto sleep ..

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Riris Yupe
Kelas : XI Mm1

every day after I got up off my bed to clean the house with my sister named Rina, my sister and I split the task of cleaning the house, my sister clean up the front yard and back, while I was cleaning in the house, we memberihkan home while listening to music so that we not bored when .
we clean the house usually is 20 minutes, after 20 minutes went by me and my sister and the rest in the living room while sitting in depen television while drinking a glass of tea and read the newspaper after our break I headed to the bathroom to take a shower because I would berangankat home friends for their school work.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Nurul Azysah. Tamrin
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11041

every day after woke up, I always to clean my bed and the house. While, my mother cooking for breakfast today, we always breakfast together. after breakfast I go to bathroom for shower, and next going to school.every day I always go to mosque with family for prayers. After dinner with family, I usually study and listening music. And then I go to bed room for sleeping and close to my activity for to day.

Unknown mengatakan...
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Unknown mengatakan...

NIS : 11046
Every morning I always wake up at 5:30 finished I washed my face and I always take ai ablution for the morning prayer. after prayer I tidied my Every morning I always wake up at 5:30 finished I washed my face and I always take ai ablution for the morning prayer. after prayer I tidied my bed and then I studied briefly and tidying the books that should be on the bottom with the subject matter according to the day, after I swept the room and I go take a shower I get dressed, wearing hijab, wear shoes after that I was ready - ready to go to school. after school I waited until the teacher came to the classroom to teach in accordance with the material. When I studied with teachers teaching seriously and menatat gmempelajari important things, and things to remember when my teacher explained. after hours of playing out, me and my friends went to the canteen to buy food. when the break is over and the teacher walked into our class, I was getting ready to learn, and when at home, I went straight home after my dhuhur up and I had lunch and then I take a nap. when I woke up around 15:30 pm I went afternoon shower, get dressed, ablution and prayed 'Asr. that other materials such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry because the lessons are lessons that must be mastered. 09.00 I stop learning and tidying my desk, then I went to the bathroom to wash my face, brush your teeth and take ablution water after my prayers that night, after I sleep and things will never forget the prayer is read.
This is the story of my everyday life :) thank you yah've read ;)

Unknown mengatakan...

hmm. short story, but! fun, too, because learning while hearing music, hehehe. increase yahh :)

Unknown mengatakan...

Kelas:XI Multimedia 1

My activity on the day of the week, which began with a morning wake up, clean up the bed and continued to sweep over the house, after my short break, after the break I first morning breakfast.
After breakfast I went on a sweep on the inside bottom of the home page section continued sweeping the house, after I break it again for a while. complete break I started collecting clothes everyday and my family to be washed, and after collecting my everyday clothes continue to wash the clothes and leave them in the front of the house, finished drying my clothes again collect my school clothes that I will wash again and dry in the sun by wearing a coat hanger.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama:Anti hermawati
Kelas:XI Multimedia 1

every morning I always make my bed after a neat bed then I go take a shower, I put on a uniform to wear my uniform neat straight after leaving school at 6:30 am so I will not be late to school, at school I learned with my friends.
before gathering my school midday prayers in congregation with gardens and teachers, after my prayers directly discharged to home, after I got home I ate lunch. after lunch I learned a little while later my television. I sleep after learning.

Unknown mengatakan...

Kelas:XI Multimedia 1

I started my activities every day from waking up at 5:15 in the morning after waking up I rushed off to wash my face and immediately go perform ablution and pray that my new subuh.setelah tidying my bed. But if there is a school assignment that I do not finish first and then go take a shower. After that I put on my uniform sekulah but after leaving school I duluh breakfast.
I started my activities every day from waking up at 5:15 in the morning after waking up I rushed off to wash my face and immediately go perform ablution and pray that my new subuh.setelah tidying my bed. But if there is a school assignment that I do not finish first and then go take a shower. After that I put on my uniform sekulah but after leaving school I duluh breakfast.
And at 6:01 I went evening prayers and after that I go to dinner with my family. after that I went tidying textbooks that I'll take it tomorrow and do not forget to go to school I learned a little. soon after azan isyh had been berkumandan and we had to go pray in congregation at home is in imankan by the father. After that we went to relax by watching tv while eating snacks with family and if I was already feeling sleepy go to sleep.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Firdah
Kelas : XI MM1
Nis : 11030

I wake up every night at 7:00, before my school to shower first, then wear school uniforms and breakfast. after that wear shoes continue to go to school. at school I often gather with friends, joking together, eat together, learn together to go home.
As you get home, change uniforms kept eating. and after that I usually help mom clean the home, such as sweeping or cooking. after the work was completed before I take a nap.
If you've kept up the night came, I was kerjain school assignments that is given by the father or mother of teachers in schools. after the tasks given by the father or mother a teacher, then I sleep.

Unknown mengatakan...

Kelas: XI Multimedia 1
Nis: 11016

"Assalamu alaikum"
"This is my daily story"
"Rise and Shine"
Every day I wake up at dawn 04.45 for dawn prayers in congregation in the mosque, after that I took the book to today's lesson I continue to read and read a little so that, for a while I can understand quickly, already at 06:15 in the morning, I went to go take a shower after I wear school uniforms, after that my breakfast, after that I put on shoes and go to school with a motorcycle.
"At school"
when he got in my school and store bags sitting on the school garden (Multimedia Laboratory Parks) while waiting for the teacher there ..
there we go after teachers and we learn together ...
sayaa breaks and my friends went to the cafeteria to Eat (habits at rest) after that we went back to class ....
to learn, because the break has come to an end ...
after school with my friends I used to live in the multimedia lab to share the knowledge. after that we go home together ... :)
"after school"
I change clothes after school my first lau lunch after lunch I go for a refreshing little labtop after it has heard the call to prayer is Asr jdi sign sya stop my activities and my Asr prayer. after that I reopen my labtop .... now soreh 17:18 hours, then I went soreh bath and get ready for the evening prayers ..

Thus my daily story
"thank you very much"

wasssalam ....

Unknown mengatakan...

Kelas : XI MM1
Nis : 11040

My activity
I woke up at 5am (=|. each finished washing my face directly into the prayer for the Fajr prayer. after that I tidy up my bed then take a towel to shower, after my shower getting ready to go to school but before I have breakfast with my sister who was in elementary school.
we both go to school with my motorbike! got to school I greet all my friends that I know, after the bell rang we all prepared to accept the lesson does not seem recess bell has rang my friend and I rushed to the school cafeteria to.:D
after school activities in my hurry to go home, when he got home I went straight to my room to change my uniform and get ready to have lunch with my family, after eating with my mom for help clearing the table and washing the dishes were dirty to
and every afternoon I always bring my little brother to play, and at night I take the time to study after study, say sleepy immediately after stopping my activities and immediately lay down on the bed because he felt exhausted with activity

Thus my daily story
THANK YOU SO MUCH :D:D see you guys
love "Wanh'

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama: Chairunnisa
Kelas:XI Multimedia 1

In the morning I woke up at about 5:00 for morning prayers, after my morning prayers I then smoothed the bed and then shower and get ready to go to school, got to school I learned with my friends until the learning process is completed, before I come home from school and friend of a friend went ablution for midday prayers in congregation, after midday prayers on my return home.
In the evening I prepare textbooks and study it, after I learned I was preparing a bed for sleeping.

Unknown mengatakan...

My activities in the morning, I get up at 4:30 in the morning, I rushed to morning prayers, after my prayer I recite, recite after I set the book for today's lesson, after my shower, after my shower after breakfast breakfast with my family rushing off to school, I learned in school, after school I pray Ḑuhūr, after one of my direct Ḑuhūr nap, get up in my nap immediately eat food that has been provided, after eating I play computer, my afternoon playing with cousin cousin I, after playing the way I went with a friend: D until sunset, after the way I bathroom and evening prayers, after my prayers chanting, after I learned the Koran last moment dinner with the family, after eating my watch, after watching my first Isha then sleeping

Unknown mengatakan...

My activities in the morning, I get up at 4:32 in the morning, I rushed to morning prayers, after my prayer I recite, recite after I set the book for today's lesson, after my shower, after my shower after breakfast breakfast with my family rushing off to school, I learned in school, after school I pray Ḑuhūr, after one of my direct Ḑuhūr nap, get up in my nap immediately eat food that has been provided, after eating I play computer, my afternoon playing with cousin cousin I, after playing the way I went with a friend: D until sunset, after the way I bathroom and evening prayers, after my prayers chanting, after I learned the Koran last moment dinner with the family, after eating my watching television , after watching my slepping

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama: Anna Rezky
Kls : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11026

Everyday, I’m get up to at 4 am for “shalat tahajjud”. next I’m cooking for breakfast.After I’m “shalat subuh”, I’m breakfast with my family. After that I’m wash saucer, and wipe off.after my work is finished, I’m shortly bath and get dressed for go to school. I’m go home school at 12 am and I’m “shalat duhur” in my school. when I’m arrive on the house,I’m making lunch for me and my family. afterwards “shalat ashar” I’m gather to undress mess for I to wash. After “shalat magrib”, dinner,and washes saucer, I come in my room to prepare my dress school for tomorrow and make my homework. after I’m “shalat isha”,I get to sleep.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Masrura
Nis : 11036
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1

In the morning around 5:00 I woke up to the morning prayer in the mosque, after morning prayer, I make the bed so as not to fall apart, after tidying up my bed and a shower straight away after my shower getting ready to go to school.
Arriving at my school along with friends around the yard clean the classroom and lab, after cleaning me and my friends together to learn the lesson completed. Having finished my lessons and my friends went to the hall for midday prayers in congregation, after midday prayers me and my friends went home.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Khaerunnisa
Nis : 11034
Kelas: XI Multimedia 1

In the morning I woke up at about 5:00 for the morning prayer, after morning prayer I make the bed so as not to fall apart, after tidying up my bed and a shower straight away after my shower getting ready to go to school.
Arriving at my school with my friends studying together to complete the lesson. Having finished my lessons and my friends went to the hall for midday prayers in congregation, after midday prayers me and my friends went home each

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama:Arifai anugrah
Kelas:XI MM 1
NIS: 11007
Early morning or at 04:30, sdaya awakened to perform the dawn prayer in congregation. After prayer, I immediately opened my peliharan cows that do not impede the departure of school, after which I immediately took a shower the water disumur to prepare for school.
Then, I also went to school to study engineering against the father / mother teacher but usually if the father / mother teacher did not enter, and my friends - friends playing games in the classroom or the other, but that's where we start with jokes and laughter.
Before going home from school we put prayer first dahulu.Tapi prayer because there are some students absent for fear memorize important verses in al-qur'anjika shalat.Tapi me they are not aware, the prayer merely because intentions and because GOD Almighty. That is part of my daily life in the living world.