Senin, 19 Agustus 2013


1.       Choose one of your hobbies.
2.       Describe about it in 1-3 paragraphs.
4.       Submit it at

Last Thursday, Jessica and Jacky were talking about their hobbies and interests in their class room.

Jessica            :  What is your hobby, Jacky?
Jacky              :  My hobby is fishing. Do you like fishing?
Jessica            :  No, I don’t. I am not interested in fishing.
Jacky              :  So, what is your hobby?
Jessica            :  My hobby is reading.
Jacky              :  What kind of books do you read, Jessica?
Jessica            :  Many kinds, like novels and science books.
Jacky              :  Why do you like to read science books?
Jessica            :  Because I want to gain knowledge. By the way, why do you like fishing?
Jacky              :  Because it is very interesting. I like fishing in my spare time

Answer these questions!
1.    Who were talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : .........................................................................................................................................
2.    When were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : ..........................................................................................................................................
3.    Where were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : ..........................................................................................................................................
4.    Is Jacky’s hobby reading?
Answer : ..........................................................................................................................................
5.    What kind of books does Jessica like to read?
Answer : ..........................................................................................................................................
6.    Why does Jacky like fishing?
Answer : ..........................................................................................................................................
7.    Are Jessica and Jacky students?
Answer : ..........................................................................................................................................
8.   What is the title of dialogue?
Answer : ....................................................................................................................................... 

73 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Riris Yupe (11042)
Class : XI Mm1

assalamu alaikum wr.wb.
My hobby is listen to pop music because music can make my spirit without music my life so empty music part of my life, all I hear music activities for example when studying at home I also listen to pop music because I do not get tired so my favorite pop songs is titled "SURE CAN" sung by image Scholastika.

this song can make me bounce back and excited a lot of people who like this song because this song is the theme of encouraging someone else had a problem I honestly had a lot of problems in my family, especially financial problems ..

so if i remember that problem I immediately heard the song "SURE CAN" spirit and there I immediately forget about all the problems that exist in my family ..

maybe that's my hobby essay words or less please forgive me ..
wassalam :)
by Riris

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama Muhammad ilham
kelas XI Multimedia 1
Nis 11016

Assalamu alaikum :)
This is my hobby ...
My hobby is designing, whether it desaing graphic and web design, there's another one of my hobbies is music good music heard overseas and domestic ...
I like the design because I wanted to learn more in graphic design or web design so I can take control of the graphic design and the most sya liked the design while listening to music, the thing I like the most ...
I designed every seya prefer to design what is around me and even then if there is inspiration .. : D

If less Please Unforgivable .. : D :)
by .. muhammad inspiration

yours respectfully

Anonim mengatakan...

Name : Nur Amaliah
Kelas : XI MM2
nis : 11079

assalamu alaikum wr.wb.

My hobbies are listening to music

I really like listening to music because music was always entertaining us and a lot of people who love music because every morning, afternoon, evening I heard music mu8sik karan for me it was fun ..... :)

it reason I like the music

Unknown mengatakan...

arfan jaya
andi ramadhan
andika muhammad
ikbal latif
mas ati
nurul muslimah
nur fatimah

assalamu alaikum wr.wb
My hobbies make beautiful designs in order to create a beautiful work like that at all, I prefer to make the design as he heard it was my entertainment to make something good, and the music also makes my passion to make a design. I majored in multimedia because they want to know a lot about computers, assemble the network as well as want to learn about design

accepted the love that was the hobby of arfan jaya
yours respectfully
by arfan jaya
tgl 3 seftember 2013

@Muhammad ilham
we have the same hobby, why would you like to make design

Unknown mengatakan...

@Riris Yupe

you have a great hobby, why you like music hobby

Unknown mengatakan...

arfan jaya
Xi MUltimedia II

assalamu alaikum wr.wb
My hobbies make beautiful designs in order to create a beautiful work like that at all, I prefer to make the design as he heard it was my entertainment to make something good, and the music also makes my passion to make a design. I majored in multimedia because they want to know a lot about computers, assemble the network as well as want to learn about design

accepted the love that was the hobby of arfan jaya
yours respectfully
by arfan jaya
tgl 3 seftember 2013

@Muhammad ilham
we have the same hobby, why would you like to make design

2 September 2013 20.02

Anonim mengatakan...

nama : patmawati
kelas : xI.mm2
nis : 9973977521

assalamu alaikum wr.wb
My hobbies are hanging out with friends, I like the way that our bodies healthy and vigorous than it could make us a fresh, my hobby is walking leisurely to prevent boredom staying at home, but it could be hanging out with friends.

My hobby is usually when the roads are empty menpunyai time as the streets at dawn on Sunday morning or evening walk or a Sunday when the streets are crowded places or can be called a tourist visit with friends.

Unknown mengatakan...

name mirnawati
kelas XI MM II
Niss 11074

My hobby is reading books or stories because we can get a new experience and we can get what we do not know all this time so it is important to read the book because..

tgl 03 seftember 2013

Unknown mengatakan...

nama : evhy ahriani
Kelas : XI MM II
NISS : 11069

My hobby is reading books or stories because we can get a new experience and we can get what we do not know all this time so it is important to read the book because..

Unknown mengatakan...

NISS :11073

My hobby is reading books or listening to music because we can add ilmuh knowledge and can add to our intelligence and i also love to hear amazing music that can be entertained longer so lonely

Unknown mengatakan...

NISS : 11071

I like a hobby,
My hobby is nontong tv, I often nontong romance movies, besides nontong tv sy jg love to hear music, I often listen to music when I'm sad or lonely. and I also like to sing in my own room

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama: Muh Firdaus
NIS: 11056

My hobby playing games and design

almost every day I do my hobbies in order to get money for design.
I've got so many orders from other people.
I'm very happy with my hobby could help me get a job ...

If I have time I play games to fill the empty time,,,,
The entertainment for me and I am very happy to play games with my friends,,,

pursue your dreams as long as they can do what you want ..

regards two fingers paradise

Anonim mengatakan...

Name:Nurul Muslima
Class:X1 mm2
Assalamu alaikum wr.wb
This is my hobby…???
My hobbies are watching movies, eraser there is a new film I watched her
My favorite film twilight ... I love the movie twilight film because it was good and it was not boring ...
where to watch movies in my room .. using laptop so no one disturb me.
@Muhhamad ilham :you have and interesting hobby

Unknown mengatakan...


Name:Nurul Muslima
Class:X1 mm2
Assalamu alaikum wr.wb
This is my hobby…???
My hobbies are watching movies, eraser there is a new film I watched her
My favorite film twilight ... I love the movie twilight film because it was good and it was not boring ...
where to watch movies in my room .. using laptop so no one disturb me.
@Muhhamad ilham :you have and interesting hobby

Anonim mengatakan...

name: haerunnisa.mansur
class: XI mm 2
nis: 11070
I like many things, and I used to do when I have free time and if it does not bother for me, it is commonly called the hobby. One of them I have a hobby of listening to music, hobby like this one the good, kids, teens, and adults. I love music POP and JAZZ, I often listen to the song while singing it even though the lyrics are sometimes not the same as I'm singing: D. This is partly the reason I liked the hobby.
@riris yupe: your writing interesting (y)

Unknown mengatakan...

name : Nurul Azysah. Tamrin
Class : XI MM 1
Nis : 11041

Assalamu alaikum wr. wb...

I want to tell you one of the hobbies that I like that ....

one of my hobbies are reading and listening to music. I often read books usually like novels, comics, fairy tales or books whose title is interesting for me reading, if nothing is being done, I often read in the evening time. while I prefer to listen to music POP, JAZZ or R & B I usually listen to music while reading a book when afternoon. song by Bruno Mars is my favorite music . music is usually made ​​me more calm and happy... :)

Thanks. Wassalam.. :)

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Rahmawati
Kelas : XI Mm 1
Nis : 11043

My hobby is listening to music or writing music that I like, Because one of the advantages of music can make the heart be happy. It also can make a sad heart. Music was always present in my life. Without music I would probably feel lonely. At the moment I am happy or sad I always listen to music because I think that music that can calm my heart, and I usually memorize, listen to music or read it I have written.
I most like to play games, such as guessing games, and other than that I also love watching cartoons such as doraemon and spongeboob.-_-
Thankz,, :)

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Anti hermawati
Kelas : XI mm 1
Nis : 11027

My Hoby is the reading book,because reading our book can get the knowledge or science knowledge.I very like to reaind the book don't know that book of Iesson,comic and also storybook .book other dissimilar every day always reading the book of because me always learn because re my book cannot do the duty which given. By teacher father / my teacher mother.
Reading book can enhance our knowledge is that all, and surely. book is made it is true to be reading by non to be thrown or in keeping matt until dusty and , I most like to read the book of and surely if that book own the interesting picture surely I very interested for the.
Reading of it all of Iesson surely have what book,become is it the him of if we reading the book every day.And surely at school surely a lot of that book,he writing.nce is I very like to reading the book of because my book will ne without ver can know.reading the because book now have very skilled in reading.

Unknown mengatakan...

nama :Rismawati.rasyid
kelas : XI multimedia 1
nis :11045
My hobby is reading because the reading I can tell from what I know to be my tau.Dengan not read all of my load was reduced especially when I have a lot of work I immediately went looking for a book to read and if I had read my book directly task-everything can finish my job with lighter

Unknown mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Unknown mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Unknown mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Anonim mengatakan...

name: amalia kartikas sari
class: multimedia XI 1
nis: 11025
My hobbies are reading books because by reading books we can add to the knowledge around us like reading a book pengetuhan nature, books etc. sejarah.dan else.And we need to know the history book motivates us to remind us of the importance of historic relics

Unknown mengatakan...

Assalamu alaikum wr.wb
This is my hobby…???
My hobbies are watching movies, eraser there is a new film I watched her
My favorite film twilight ... I love the movie twilight film because it was good and it was not boring ...
where to watch movies in my room .. using laptop so no one disturb me.

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Azhar Afif Jaelani
Nis : 11010
Class : XI MM 1

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

My hobby is to design. Whether it's graphic design, and web design. Here I already have a blog that I just created, and is still fairly new. If anyone would like to see, please Click Here

For some reason, every lesson design. Both graphic design and web design. I am always eager to learn, and also, any spare time I have, I always try to sharpen my skills in the art of design.

Art design is the study of beauty. By because it works well in creating a graphic design or web design we are in demand to produce interesting and unique work. Because of that side, our art will look ..

Anonim mengatakan...

name: irma virdiana
My hobby is reading books with the books because we can gain more know ledge and greater insight. because I often read my free time in order to be useful

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Muhammad irfan fiqriansyah
Class : XI MM 1
My Hobby : singing
My hobby is singing , my favorite singer is Giselle , I am really like that song :D wherever I sang that song,at house , school ,and bathroom :D
the kind of music I like are Pop music , Rock music and Jazz music.
Singer english my favorite is One direction entitled One Time .

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Nurul Azysah. Tamrin
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11041

Nama : Anti Hermawati
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11027

Nama : Firdah
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11030

The answer is ....

1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Time is Last Thursday
3. Their class Room
4. No, He doesn't. Because he like fishing
5.Jessica like reading a book novels and science books
6. Because he feel interesting
7. Yes, They are
8. The title is Talking about Jessica and Jacky hobbies and interests

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama : Siti mukarromah
Kls : XI multimedia 1
Nia : 11046

Answer :
1. Jasica and Jaky
2. Last thursday
3. in their class room
4. instead, hobby jacky fishing
5. Many kinds, like novels and science books
6. Because it is very interesting. I like fishing in my spare time
7. yes,they are
8. talking about

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : amirullah
niss : 11009
kelas: XI Multmedia 1

assalamu alaikum wr.wb
My hobby is studying history, I introduce the history of the great men of his time. I love the history lesson because he taught me about how we were able to do something that can be different. other than that I also like the history of the development of science and technology that is increasingly sophisticated and increasingly attractive. therefore I love the history lesson:-D

Amhier :-D

Anonim mengatakan...

name: Amalia Kartika sari
nis: 11025
My hobby is reading books and the comic book goods textbooks. I like to read in my spare time and by reading I could add to knowledge about the development of the world.
I also have a hobby of writing at the time I did not do something I always write

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Rahmawati
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11043

Nama : Rismawati rasyid
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11045

1. Jessica and jacky
2. Tim11e is Last Thursday
3. Their class room
4. No He doesn't, because jacky he like fishing
5. Jessica like reading book novels and science books
6. because, he feel interesting
7. yes they are
8. the title is talking about jessica and jacky hobbies and interests.

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : muhammad Irfan fikriansyah
class : XI MM 1
My hobby is singing , my favorite singer is Giselle , I am really like that song :D wherever I sang that song,at house , school ,and bathroom :D
the kind of music I like are Pop music , Rock music and Jazz music.
Singer english my favorite is One direction entitled One Time .

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Hikmayani
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11032

Nama : Awalia Til Khaerani
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
Nis : 11028

1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Time is Last Thursday
3. Their class Room
4. No, He doesn't. Because he like fishing
5.Jessica like reading a book novels and science books
6. Because he feel interesting
7. Yes, They are
8. The title is Talking about Jessica and Jacky hobbies and interests

Anonim mengatakan...

nama:amalia kartika sari
kelas: XI multimedia 1
The answer is

1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Time is Last Thursday
3. Their class Room
4. No, He doesn't. Because he like fishing
5.Jessica like reading a book novels and science books
6. Because he feel interesting
7. Yes, They are
8. The title is Talking about Jessica and Jacky hobbies and interests

Anonim mengatakan...

nama:irma virdiana
1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Time is Last Thursday
3. Their class Room
4. No, He doesn't. Because he like fishing
5.Jessica like reading a book novels and science books
6. Because he feel interesting
7. Yes, They are
8. The title is Talking about Jessica and Jacky hobbies and interests

Anonim mengatakan...


1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Time is Last Thursday
3. Their class Room
4. No, He doesn't. Because he like fishing
5.Jessica like reading a book novels and science books
6. Because he feel interesting
7. Yes, They are
8. The title is Talking about Jessica and Jacky hobbies and interests

Unknown mengatakan...

NIS : 11040

1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Last Thursday
3. In the class room
4. No, he isn't
5. novels and science books
6. Because it is very interesting. I like fishing in my spare time
7. Yes they are
8. talking about their hobbies

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama : Muh. ilham
Kls : XI multimedia 1
Nia : 11016

Answer :
1. Jasica and Jaky
2. Last thursday
3. in their class room
4. No he isnt't, hobby jacky fishing
5. Many kinds, like novels and science books
6. Because it is very interesting. I like fishing in my spare time
7. yes,they are
8. talking about

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Azhar Afif Jaelani
Nis : 11010
Class : XI MM 1

1. Who were talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : Jacky and Jessica
2.When were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : They were talking Last thursday
3. Where were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : They were tslking In the classrom
4. Is Jacky’s hobby reading?
Answer : No, he isn't
5. What kind of books does Jessica like to read?
Answer : Many kinds of the book, like novel and science books
6. Why does Jacky like fishing?
Answer : Because, he fell interesting to fishing
7. Are Jessica and Jacky students?
Answer : Yes, they are
8. What is the title of dialogue?
Answer : Talking about Jacky and Jessica hobbies

Anonim mengatakan...

CLASS: XI multimedi
My hobby playing badminton because the body can be healthy and can add stamina and our bodies strong or healthy...

Anonim mengatakan...


my hobby I like to play badminton when I played school with my friends while playing badminton 5:00 pm I'm pretty nimble playing badminton with friends saya.biasanya playing gor Pangkep with friends ....?

Anonim mengatakan...

Name : Andi Adnan Arivin
Class : XI Multimedia 1

Assalamualaikum Friend :)
My hobby wild wild race because racing mind and soul makes me calm and happy, wild race where I was located in the stadium, bungoro, and bontoa, I often race as a wild gang of my friends that the jockey failed but obstacles often befall us but it will not be let our spirits down,, jockey fails is the best! show guts friend!

Unknown mengatakan...

@Riris Yupe : I think your hobby is interesting but i think if good if you use the normal sentence to posting your exercise...

Unknown mengatakan...

@Azhar Afif Jaelani

Unknown mengatakan...

@Andi Adnan Arivin
Your hobby is dangerous, so you can find new hobby that make your self happy and safe.

Unknown mengatakan...

@Nirwanha : Haha, :D Thanks, i think your hobby is fun too :)

Unknown mengatakan...

@azhar afif Jaelani : sorry ..
I think I was very good workout from the workout you .. so I think you made clear exercise :P

Anonim mengatakan...

@Rismawati rasyid
you have good hobby but revise your writing to be a good sentence


Unknown mengatakan...

@ilham : Walaikum salam
Your hobby is very good:D i hope you get a good skill in design

Unknown mengatakan...

@Azhar Afif Jaelani
haha, your welcome :D afif handsome :D:D

Unknown mengatakan...

@Muh Irfan Fikriansyah.

your hobby is very good
i like your hobby :-D

Anonim mengatakan...

Name : Anna Rezky
Class: XI multimedia 1


Writing is my hobby
I love my hobby very much. My hobby is writing, and I like writing everything. Writing can make my word to be happy and fun. I am oftentimes occasion my free time to write useful thing. Example: Islami’s art opus, Islami’s poem, and a lot of thing again.

Unknown mengatakan...

your hobby is good :)

Unknown mengatakan...

@Riries Yupe
woww,, Your hobby is very long but also very enjoyable, :)

Unknown mengatakan...

1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Last Thursday
3. In their class room
4. No
5. Many kinds, like novels and
science books
6.because he fell interest
7. yes they are
8. jessica and jacky hobbies

by. Agustina Ride
XI Multimedia 1

Anonim mengatakan...

Name : Ashara wahyu
Class : XI MM 1

My hobbies wild race because I'm used since the age of 10 years. I now join in the child jockey Failed racing team with a lot of friends my age who like racing.
d we are racing ahead stadium, bungoro, and bontogelang.
that's my hobby which I am. thank you ...

Unknown mengatakan...

@rahma wati
I like your hobby, because I think it's very interesting and I also happen to have the same hobby with you

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama : Arifai Anugrah
Kelas : XI Multimedia 1
nis : 11007

My hobby is listening to music and make desaign.Musik it is less important to me because the music was just for menghilankan stress and just accompany me when belajar.Dan dasain was very important for me because test our creativity and design make it a challenge I like to test our patience when designing such as photographs and other

Unknown mengatakan...

whether you like it too childish spogeboop infantile.

Anonim mengatakan...

name : wawan perkasa makmur
class: XI MM 1
My hobby motor racing in a rice field in the fields because that is not dangerous and no vehicles passing, do not disturb traffic order.

Anonim mengatakan...

niss :11011
MY HOBBY playing badminton. I LOVE playing badminton SAME FRIENDS.

Unknown mengatakan...

Kelas : XI MM1
NIS : 11030

1. Jacky and jessica
2. Last Thursday
3. In the classroom
4. No, because he like fishing.
5. Many kinds, like novels and science books.
6. Because he feel is very interesting
7. yes , they are
8. the title is talking about hobby and interest

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama : Sufrianto
Nis : 11019
Class : XI MM 1

Assalamu alaikum wr wb

My hobby is to make vector using photoshop. Every school I took my time to design photo moment and turn it into like a cartoon (vector)

Unknown mengatakan...

1. Jessica and Jacky
2. Last Thursday
3. In their class room
4. No
5. Many kinds, like novels and
science books.
6. because he fell interest
7. yes they are
8. Jessica and Jacky hobbies

by. Rismawati Ismail

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Chairunnisa
Class : XI Multimedia 1
Niss : 11029


My hobbies is reading something interesting and that can add to my knowledge like the Qur'an, textbooks, novels and books islami. The things I used to do when I'm resting or there are no jobs, reading can make me more calm. In addition I also have a hobby in sports such as cycling.

That's my hobby that I can say, thank you ..

Anonim mengatakan...

Name : Masrura
Class : XI Multimedia 1


My hobbies are playing basketball, badminton, reading the Qur'an, and read the book knowledge, having played badminton and basketball so fun when out with friends. Reading the book is very bermnfaat for us because it can add a science can not we get therefore we all should diligently read the book.

That's my hobby, thank you..

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Hartina
Kelas : XI Mm 1
Nis : 11031
Ass wr wb
My name is Hartina . I Learned to bake hobbies , other dishet , and listening to music . I there any chance or not being busy I took time to learn to bake and learn to other foods . I was taught to cook by her mother , and since I often study and learn I’ve been able to bake and cook other dishes themselves .
Learn to cook baside I also like taking the time to listen to music . Before going to bed I ofter to music , only then will I sleep .

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Mutmainnah
Kelas : XI Mm 1
Nis : 11038

Asalamu alaikum wr. Wb
My name is Mutmainnah. My hobbies are listening to music and playing with friends in everyday life I never missed without listening to music, although I must still learn to listen to music, in addition I was also a time to play music or hanging out with friends to share the experience that we do .

Iwan mengatakan...

Nama: Irwan
Kelas: xi mm 1
NIS : 1020

My hobby is watching movies. i like to watching movies genre horror,thriller,action,drama. my favorite movies is horrror. i like horrror movies, because horror movies make me scary and discover the legend urband.but, i like thriller to.thriller movies make me know how to reveal the mystery.
but,i like drama to.

that's my hobby, i hope someone can comment.

Unknown mengatakan...

my name is riswan i'm class xI multimedia 1
my hobby is especially in mountain climbing in the mountains Bulusaraung although very high mountain but that's where the challenge is not high because if it is not exciting anymore there, the place is very cold and foggy but if we have reached the half way then our eyes will be spoiled with beautiful views that place at the gate called the wind and in the end if we get on top then we would welcome strong winds but it will all pay off with a beautiful view of Sulawesi

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama: syahrir zakir
NIS: 11018

My hobby playing games and design

almost every day I do my hobbies in order to get money for design.
I've got so many orders from other people.
I'm very happy with my hobby could help me get a job ...

If I have time I play games to fill the empty time,,,,
The entertainment for me and I am very happy to play games with my friends,,,

pursue your dreams as long as they can do what you want ..

regards two fingers paradise

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama : Rismawati Ismail
Kelas : XI MM 1
Nis : 11044

1. Who were talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : Jacky and Jessica
2.When were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : They were talking Last thursday
3. Where were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : They were tslking In the classrom
4. Is Jacky’s hobby reading?
Answer : No, he isn't
5. What kind of books does Jessica like to read?
Answer : Many kinds of the book, like novel and science books
6. Why does Jacky like fishing?
Answer : Because, he fell interesting to fishing
7. Are Jessica and Jacky students?
Answer : Yes, they are
8. What is the title of dialogue?
Answer : Talking about Jacky and Jessica hobbies